StopTech 83.060.4743.81 High Performance Brake Kit Front Slotted Rotors

✚✚✚ StopTech 83.060.4743.81 High Performance Brake Kit Front Slotted Rotors

Big Brake Kits give your vehicle that Supercar look and feel and exceed stock performance in two areas. First larger rotors increase heat capacity. Second stiffer calipers and stainless steel lines reduce system compliance.

The key however is to increase heat capacity and reduce compliance without upsetting the stock front to rear brake torque ratio. If the brake upgrade you select adds too much front torque (as many do) you reduce your car's ability to utilize the tractive capacity of all of the tires to the maximum practical extent (even on ABS equipped cars) and you therefore create performance sacrifices. In addition too many pistons or pistons that are too large will make the brake pedal much more difficult to modulate which limits a driver's control of brake input on the race track.
Advantages of StopTech over other brake upgrades:

    * Shorter Stopping Distances
    * Better Brake Modulation
    * Firmer Brake Pedal
    * Less Brake Fade

Feature Benefit Summary:

    * Balanced Brake UpgradesTM with optimum brake bias offer the shortest stopping distance with the best pedal feel
    * Our patented AeroRotors® with the best airflow available result in better cooling less fade and longer rotor and pad life
    * The stiffest aftermarket calipers with patented bridge result in better clamping under hard braking and less pad taper
    * Track testing of new applications ensures optimum performance

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StopTech 83.060.4743.81 High Performance Brake Kit Front Slotted Rotors - Big Brake Kits give your vehicle that Supercar look and feel and exceed stock performance in two areas. First larger rotors increase heat capacity. Second stiffer calipers and stainless steel lines reduce system compliance.

The key however is to increase heat capacity and reduce compliance without upsetting the stock front to rear brake torque ratio. If the brake upgrade you select adds too much front torque (as many do) you reduce your car's ability to utilize the tractive capacity of all of the tires to the maximum practical extent (even on ABS equipped cars) and you therefore create performance sacrifices. In addition too many pistons or pistons that are too large will make the brake pedal much more difficult to modulate which limits a driver's control of brake input on the race track.
Advantages of StopTech over other brake upgrades:

    * Shorter Stopping Distances
    * Better Brake Modulation
    * Firmer Brake Pedal
    * Less Brake Fade

Feature Benefit Summary:

    * Balanced Brake UpgradesTM with optimum brake bias offer the shortest stopping distance with the best pedal feel
    * Our patented AeroRotors® with the best airflow available result in better cooling less fade and longer rotor and pad life
    * The stiffest aftermarket calipers with patented bridge result in better clamping under hard braking and less pad taper
    * Track testing of new applications ensures optimum performance

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