Water Cooler, Vandal Resistant, SS

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Water Cooler, Vandal Resistant, SS

Product By : Elkay

Water Cooler, Vandal Resistant, SS . Water CoolersPremium-quality coolers have a waterway system with stainless steel tanks, copper components, and lead-free materials; an easy-to-clean strainer traps particulates before they enter the cooler. Units feature permanently lubricated compressor and fan motor, refrigeration system dryer, and a splash-resistant stainless steel, multilevel basin. Separate, easy-to-access sanitary controls. Nonpressurized cooling tank on single-level units minimizes water damage in case of rupture. Preset temperature control only requires altitude adjustment. In-line flow regulator maintains constant stream height at line pressures of 20 to 105 psi. Removable front panels allow easy access for maintenance. P-trap not included; Units with a mechanical push bar can activate a stream of water in the event of a power outage.Inlet connection: 3/8" O. D. tubingDrain outlet: 1-1/4" dia.Refrigerant HFC134A (CFC free)115VACCapacity of 50°F drinking water based upon 80°F inlet water and 90°F ambientWater Cooler, Wall Mount, Vandal Resistant, 8 GPH, Stainless Steel Color, Height 20 7/16 In., Width 36 1/8 In., Depth 18 5/8 In., Indoor/Outdoor Mounting Location, Compressor 1/4 HP, 115 Voltage, Inlet 3/8 In Outer Diameter Tubing Connection, Connection Drain 1 1/4 In., 134A (CFC Free) Refrigerant, Water Temp. 50 Deg. F, ADA Compliant, Standards ANSI/NSF61, Section 9, ADA Compliant, Warranty Length 5 Year On Refrigeration System And 1 Year Electrical Components And Water System

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