Valair Performance G56 Spring Hub Dual Disc Clutch (Organic) .
Valair Performance G56 Spring Hub Dual Disc Clutch (Organic)?Valair Performance
G56 Spring Hub Dual Disc Clutch2005.5-2011 5.9L/6.7L Dodge Cummins
This is "THE" clutch for the guy that tows heavy with a modified truck. Good daily driving manners along with plenty of holding power. If you insist on drag racing with a manual truck this clutch would also be a good choice due to it's fast shifting characteristics and optional SFI rated billet flywheel.
It is not a good choice for sled pulling due to it's 12 1/4" flywheel. The non-SFI rated flywheel option is a great option for guys who don't care anything about competition use but just want a driveable clutch with tons of holding power.
These clutches are a great alternative to the weak factory clutch with a dual mass flywheel and are suitable (depending on surfacing options) from everything from a stock truck to a highly modified truck.
Valair Performance G56 Spring Hub Dual Disc Clutch (Organic)?
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